Thursday, August 12, 2010

America's New Racism: Anti-Islamic Dipshittery

Most are probably aware that mosques are having a hard time being built in America. These arguments are rather disturbing, as people who claim to be "patriotic" are fighting against religious freedom and American equality. Being that an American patriot, by definition, fights for both religious freedom and American quality- it is hard to take these claims of righteousness seriously.

To highlight a specific case, I want to take a closer look at controversy surrounding the mosque that will eventually be built in New York City, New York.

Controversy. When I hear that word, I generally assume that there are two equally respectable sides to an issue.

So, I cannot really call this mosque hubbub a controversy. It's more like an ignorant rabble frenziedly trying to beat down common sense with sheer vehemence. To illustrate this phenomenon, I have gathered some of the more prime examples of the anti-mosque argument. Please, do not become depressed. For every fool, there is another person with common sense calling them fools.

Still, here are some examples of stellar American thought:

"New York is number one. We can't let the 11 terrorists and their despicable actions change that. Letting the terrorists change our fundamental values means they win."

Ah, yes: the schoolboy need to be "the winner." Most people can understand that. But what are "our fundamental values" as Americans? I would assume he means the values of religious freedom and equality amongst American citizens. The very same values he is violating by arguing against the building of the mosque.

So: the attack made him angry, which then made him want to discriminate against Muslim Americans, which he didn't do before the attack....

 Ironically, he is, in fact, losing. And he is losing by his own volition. Yet like most fools, he has no idea.

"A mosque should open near ground zero when: 1. A synagogue, church and buddhist temple open in Mecca and Medina and Saudi women can drive to them if they so choose."

Ah, yes: old fashioned American ethnocentrism. The mosque should only be built in New York City when the entire nation of Saudi Arabia conforms to the American world-view. And why Saudi Arabia? Oh, I get it. This person is saying that Islam somehow makes every Muslim on the same "team." However, American Muslims live in America. They are Americans. They are not Saudi Arabians. This entire argument is a non-sequitur. What is a non-sequitur? Rough translation: Your shit doesn't make any fucking sense.

"Enough of this Kumbaya politically-correct nonsense! The cultural center should not be built two blocks from sacred ground because it is in BAD TASTE! There are plenty of other places where the Muslims can build their mosque. Nobody is keeping them from doing that, just as nobody is keeping Christians from building churches or Jews from building synagogues, etc. THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT. We shouldn't have to hit people over the had to recognize that fact. BAD TASTE!!!"

Ah, yes: old fashioned American egocentrism (I feel this way! So should everyone else!). I assume that the "bad taste" this writer is referring to is in regards to how the mosque will supposedly dishonor the 9/11 victims. However, she says herself that the mosque is two blocks away from "sacred ground." This implies that it is NOT ON "sacred ground." So... what is the problem? Also, why would the status of Gound Zero as "sacred ground" have anything to do with a mosque? Islam did not kill the 3000+ people who died in the towers. 19 hijackers killed the 3000+ people who died in the towers and the airplanes.

There are over 1,500,000,000 Muslims in the world. There were 19 hijackers on the planes linked to a planning group surrounding Osama bin-Laden of maybe 50 people. If you want to add in Al-Qaeda, an organization that is so loosely connected it is near the equivalent of having Facebook friends, you might get another 10,000 or so.

Even when using the false concept of saying Muslims attacked the World Trade Center, that leaves 99.9% of Muslims without blood on their hands. That would mean that the percentage of Muslims responsible for 9/11 is the exact same percentage as germs which survive Lysol spray.

Kills 99.9%!
As a side note: I like the comment about "Kumbaya politically-correct nonsense." Hahaha! Working towards world peace? What a joke! Har har har! Who REALLY wants to do that? Har har har!

As with all rabble, these people are led by fools who have the rhetorical and organizational skills to act on their ignorance. One such example is the S.I.O.A. - Stop Islamization of America. Yes. It is pretty much a hate group. Here are a few quotes from their leadership:

"SIOA executive director Pamela Geller commented: 'What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Center buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack? Any decent, American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn't dream of such an insult. It's a stab in eye of America.'"

Sound familiar?

"We chose June 6 as the rally date," Geller explained, "because it's D-Day. In 1944, Americans acted against the evil of Nazism. Now it is time for Americans to stand up against the evil of Islamic jihad terrorism and Islamic supremacism."

Ah, yes: the comparison with Nazi Germany. The Nazis are otherwise known as the only enemy of America that people who do not read history are capable of naming. Thus, any apparent foe is "like the Nazis." Ironically, Ms. Geller is commemorating D-Day, a day when thousands of American boys lost their lives, by destroying the very ideals they died to protect: religious freedom and equality.

Said Geller: "The only Muslim center that should be built in the shadow of the World Trade Center is one that is devoted to expunging the Koran and all Islamic teachings of the violent jihad that they prescribe, as well as all hateful texts and incitement to violence."

Ah, yes: old fashioned American ignorance. First, I don't quite understand why you would build a religious center to "expunge" the very text the religion is based on. A Catholic Church expunging the Bible, for example. So, I think I will just take that to mean that Geller never wants the mosque to be built. I might have picked up on that already.

Second, violent jihad has almost nothing to do with Islam. The Koran contains exactly 0 phrases which advocate violent jihad. In fact, the only four sentence that do advocate violence are deflated by the very historical context of their creation. God delivered the messages of violence during the middle of a defensive war being fought by the new Muslims, giving them temporary- temporary- permission to kill the people who were coming up from the south with the express purpose of wiping them off the face of the earth.

Brainless statements such as these then filter down to various bloggers who advance the prejudice to an entirely new level. Usually these are blogs by people who, for some reason, think Reagen was the greatest president we ever had. You know: that movie star who become our president and sold weapons to Iran to free hostages and fund C.I.A. operatives who were overthrowing democratically elected governments in South America so we could replace them with American-backed dictators and tyrants.

Cool guy.

Oh, and those hostages? Yeah, they were taken because America granted asylum to our old buddy, Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. You know, the guy who we upheld with financial aid so he could ruthlessly subjugate his people.

Anyway, back to the blogs. Here is an example: the WyBlog 

"A $100 million dollar mosque is rising at Ground Zero. Six hundred feet from where 3,000 people were murdered by Mohammedans the followers of Islam's bloodthirsty pedophile prophet plan a 13 story ediface dedicated to their perverted god of jihad. 

 Oh, and with plenty of room for bomb making classes. I'm sure there will be bomb making classes. Seminars, tutorials, demonstrations, whatever it takes. 

 And of course loudspeakers to broadcast the call to prayer, the better to remind their faithful of the need to hear another sermon on Jew hatred. The rallying cry of the muzzein, "Death to America" (which to be fair, probably sounds quite lovely in Arabic), will waft over the sacred ground where the World Trade Center once stood."

Yes. They will have bomb making classes. Only the best.

Just.... Just. WOW.

It always stuns me how the "patriotic" are the one who fervently advocate the destruction of the very ideals they hold dear. Like it or not, Americans are Muslims. And all Americans are equal. So if some Americans want to build a mosque, then have the Right. The very Right that countless true Patriots fought and died to protect. Not only are these false patriots an embarrassment to the nation as a whole, they insult the very memory of our nation's true heroes. 


  1. The actions of a few do not give you the right to limit the rights of the whole. The funding for the site, which was a defunct shopping mall, can come from anywhere. It doesn't matter where. The mosque is a religious center, and by the laws and constitution of the United States, it has every right to be built.

    You reference to the Virginia Center has nothing to do with the argument. Again, there are 1,500,000,000 Muslims in the world. This is not some global conspiracy.

    My tolerance game? It's not a game. It's the very spirit that makes our nation great.

    But I'll "play it."

    Why would I care if they make a gay bar for Muslim men? What does that have to do with me? If Americans want to go to a gay club, its their right to do so. That's how our country works.

    Why would I be against ribs? Why would I be against Victoria's Secret? How are these things that will upset me?

    We obviously think differently, you're going to have to help me out on your logic on those two.

  2. Easy. Mike Bloomberg is against the gay bar and rib shack proposals. They're "offensive" to Muslims.

    I'll give you this, you're at least more intellectually consistent than he is!

  3. Why does what Mike Bloomberg says have anything to do with anything? What do the talking heads on any of those sites have to do with anything?

    All you did was offer some distractions away from the real argument:

    Americans have the right to build a mosque under the American concept of religious freedom and equality. You have no legal or constitutional argument at all. All you command is a vague conspiracy theory that any sensible person would heavily doubt.

  4. I have a "decency" argument. If it met all the zoning laws would you tolerate a strip club next to your house?

    Perhaps you are not swayed by concerns of "decency". I postulate that someday you'll change your mind. Probably soon after your first child starts asking awkward questions.

  5. What decency argument? You're jumping topics again. And avoiding the question. Do you mean where the mosque is being built? The building was a Burlington Coat Factory.

    And just because you have grey hair doesn't mean you get to pull "the you'll understand when you're older" bullshit. I'm not twelve. You just can't answer the argument, but assuming you might be going senile, I'll repost it here for you:

    "Americans have the right to build a mosque under the American concept of religious freedom and equality. You have no legal or constitutional argument at all."
