Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Pointless Office of Erasing Pointless Laws

Republican Senator Sam Brownback has an idea for a new government office for the state of Kansas: The Office of the Repealer.

So.. basically, you will have a new government worker who's job is to get rid of pointless laws. The article offers examples of Missouri passing legislation to remove regulations on things like steamboats and other such archaic forms of technology.

Who gives a flying fuck?

Since these laws are pointless, they are generally not enforced. As a direct result, they are equally pointless to repeal.

You just wasted thousands of dollars and hundreds of man-hours to repeal laws that did no harm other than take up a few inches on a dusty book somewhere.

Basically, it's Republicans getting blue-balls over not making government smaller in a big way, so they have to waste their time on this shit in a weird form of legislative masturbation.

But this whacking-off can destroy useful skin when laws that have a solid purpose are repealed simply because American culture as outdated them.

For example: Michigan wasted time repealing laws against prizefighting and dueling. Which is odd, since that would make both prizefighting and dueling legal in Michigan now. I believe there was a reason they become illegal... what was it again? Oh yeah, people fucking died in prizefights and duels. Good work on opening the door for that to happen again.

The BEST quote from the article comes from Brownback himself:

"Case in point, in Mr. Brownback’s telling: the rejoicing of residents in Saline County, Kan., when a strict fireworks ban was lifted there. Mr. Brownback recalled the mood: “It was kind of like, ‘I got a little piece of liberty back!’ ”

Let's see: why on earth would the American people be denied the liberty of shooting off fireworks whenever they wanted? 

Oh wait.. now I remember...

Because fucking dipshits fire roman candles into houses and forests and set them on fucking fire.

Yes! While you enjoy the rediscovered liberty of drinking Pabst and dancing around a live box of Saturn Missiles, your countrymen will rediscover the liberty of their houses burning down around them while they sleep and half their state's wilderness turning to cinders.

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