Wednesday, June 30, 2010

G.O.P: Racism, Insurrection, and Money-grubbing: S.S.D.D.

I believe conservatives are an important part of our nation’s political environment. Liberals need naysayers to hone their ideas upon; otherwise we would never iron out our arguments to a proper strength.  However, America has lacked a respectable conservative leader since George Bush, Sr. left office. And they are only dipping deeper and deeper into the crazy pit.

Take Alabama G.O.P. candidate Rick Barber. He recently released a commercial that blatantly advocates violent rebellion against the United States Government. Effectively, he’s a rabble-rouser and a traitor, but apparently insurrection is the new selling point for conservative voters. You know: the people who are convinced that the America they know is being “attacked” by "progressiveism," and they rant about the injustice of it in town halls and libraries that were built by tax money and progressive legislation.

In the video, Rick Barber claims that small business owners are taxed “without representation”. An obvious lie, as every small business owner in the country votes. But in the Republican dictionary, democratic voting does not equal “representation”. “Representation” just means: getting everything our own way.

Also, the government is “cramming health insurance down our throats.” Where have I heard that line before? Hmm. And the fact that everyone either already HAS health insurance, or the fact that it’s utterly idiotic to NOT have health insurance, and people who lack it, NEED it, does not play into reality for this man. It's like a child complaining about being given candy.

I wonder if he could convince voters that the government was cramming food down the throats of the working poor with the food stamp program.

But the G.O.P. strategy has always been convincing people to vote against their own interests, so I bet they could actually manage that.

Barber also makes the standard conservative reference to the glory of the Founding Fathers. This is idiotic in itself. The Founding Fathers were a bunch of rich, white slave owners who were tired to Britain stealing money from the American people. Why? Because THEY wanted to steal the money of the American people. Domestic tyranny is always preferable to the foreign variety.

Has everyone forgotten that the vast majority of Americans could not even vote until the mid-1800s? It was actually the law in many states that you had to own land to be able to vote, which meant most of America could do little in the voting booth besides jack off. The rich could vote, of course. They could also treat their tenants like farm animals, and when the people rebelled, they called in the army and shot them.

The sanctity of the Founding Fathers is a myth perpetuated by the American education system. These were not GOOD men. They were almost all slave owners, and the second the Bill of Independence was signed, they immediately started a compulsory draft, so all the poor people could fight the war for them.

An example from Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States:

“Four days after the reading [of the Declaration of Independence], the Boston Committee of Correspondence ordered the townsmen to show up on the Common for a military draft. The rich, it turned out, could avoid the draft by paying for substituted; the poor had to serve. This led to rioting, and shouting: ‘Tyranny is Tyranny let it come from whom it may.’” (75).

The Founding Fathers were not saints. They were kings different from the King of England only in title. And in the case of Jefferson, they raped their slave women with gusto. Yeah. That’s who I want to be like: Thomas Jefferson! I could buy a ton of slave women and have sex with all of them non-consensually, and still be held as a national hero for hundreds of years!

As the Dire Straits would say: “That’s the way ya’ do it! Them guys ain’t dumb!”

Which reminds me:

I was listening to a conservative radio program, and the host was quoting Samuel Jackson’s vicious rhetoric against Monarchy and monarchists, linking monarchy to the Obama administration.


Is anyone aware that a monarchy is just a family that has been rich and powerful for a long time? America IS a monarchy, people. Look at the Bush family. Look at the Adams family. Look at the Kennedys, for God’s sake. They ARE royal families, and they run our country. Obama came up from the suburbs, he’s about as far from monarchy as you can get.

Do people even think about the sound-bytes they repeat like parrots?

Now let’s shift to Arizona: The Racist State.

G.O.P. Senator Russell Pearce, the author of the racist law, is now pushing for a law that would prevent the children of illegal immigrants from becoming U.S. citizens. I would recommend reading the 14th Amendment, as that idea is a direct and blatant violation of it. This is but the continuation of the standard G.O.P. political structure: Raise the Constitution on High as an inviolable Truth with your words, and then shit all over it with your actions.

But this isn’t a racial issue, oh no! Senator Pearce just doesn’t like Latino children because they are dirty like their parents.

Finally, in the wake of the fiscal crisis, the G.O.P. is back up batting for Big Banks and Big Business. Standard. I wonder how many millions just got dropped in a few campaign chests?

Probably enough for a good night at bondage-themed strip club, or for a good whore.

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