Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grab Bag: Evil politicians, Americans, and Pope

I found so much news that irked my sense of Justice in small little ways, I thought it best to combine them all for a little variety.

To begin, the Vatican has "toughened" its child-abuse laws. Which translates to an increase in the Chruch's statue of limitations for child-abuse allegations from 10 to 20 years. Effectively, it is a utterly meaningless change. Since the Church is not recognized anywhere as a legal entity (Thank God), their statute of limitations doesn't mean shit. This weak-ass statement is a simply smoke-and-mirrors trick to make people think that something is being done, when it isn't. In the same exact statement, the Church reaffirmed various other religious "crimes" such as "heresy" and "schism", again making it against the Chruch's orders to not think or say anything they do not want you to say. Cool.

Fun Fact: If a priest ordains a woman as a priest, they will be instantly defrocked. If they touch a six-year-old's penis, they can keep putting the Body of Christ in Christian mouths for years to come. Which means, indirectly, every member of said Church has given head to a little boy. Awesome.

The Church needs to get over this idea that they are infallible. Everyone knows their organization has one of the worst histories in the world, directing multiple genocidal campaigns in the Middle East, and in the Americas, resulting in the cruel, pointless deaths of countless billions for the sake of shiney metal. The only people who think the Church is a source of uncorrupted goodness are the brainwashed masses who could all watch a priest rape their daughter and then thank God for the honor.

Giving evidence to the further spread of anti-Latino racism and xenophobia in The United States, a mysterious group has released a list of 'Immigrants' to local and federal authorities. If the women listed are pregnant, they even provide the expected due date of the child. I assume that would because these sick fucks want to kick the woman out of the country before her child has a chance to become a U.S. Citizen.

It's like spawn camping.

Obviously, the list is designed to provoke fear, and is an obvious form of passive terrorism. The letter claims "We are not violent, nor do we support violence," but they have no problem stealing private information and releasing if publicly in the effort to scare local Latinos. It goes on to spew the usual bullshit that racist Americans always use to hide their racism: "They take our jobs, our welfare, and create violence in the streets."

Don't these people realize that they are just scapegoating immigrants for the poor work economy? Did they just turn their brains off when it was revealed that it was big business that dragged the country into the shit hole for the dozenth time in our nation's history? Do they even care that the amount of money spent on welfare is but the smallest fraction of the amount that our nation has put into pointless Defense projects designed to make the ultra-rich even richer?

Of course not. Like all true Americans, they just hate anyone who is different. If we could go back in time, we should ship back the ancestors of every single mystery person who came together to form this list, and then watch them die in poverty, hardship, and/or third-world violence wherever they came from. Read history, people. We are all immigrants, and you list-makers are just the scum of this Earth who think they are somehow special.

The Democrats are being limp-dicked assholes once again. They shrunk the energy bill to only target utility corporations because the other industries, like big oil, are simply not making enough hundreds of millions of dollars. As usual, once the money starts flying around, all the good and noble ideas this country ever has is erased off the board in bought-and-paid-for committees. Or they get really awesome deals that no one else does.

The only fix to American politics is to make all forms of financial contributions illegal. We should take a few billions of the 360+ billion America spends on Defense every year, and mite it out equally to every political candidate in the country at a flat level, with increased amounts for national offices over state ones. The candidates get no more money than that, and any financing by anyone should be considered a corrupt bribe, which they all are.

Why do you think campaign financing is legal now? Because politicians are all rich men, and they make the laws.

"Of course I'll make it legal for you to give me thousands of dollars for free, big oil. Just so you know, it won't effect our relationship one bit!"

We all know it's bullshit. It's been utter bullshit since this country was founded. And yet we let it toil on and on and watch the honest laws designed to help our citizens become demonized by the politicians who are paid to do so by big money.

Big business always say "Oh noes, these taxes will stifle the economy!", then they get a tax break, then their share-holders get billions of dollars for their private fortunes. Weird.

Why not tax dividends and bonuses directly then? It won't interfere with business, only the people who want to siphon off a few extra millions for their over-seas luxuries. As it is now, we might as well just send our money to other countries for free.

America and South Korea seem interested in provoking a response from North Korea, who is blatantly guilty for sinking a South Korean warship for no reason. What's the point? We all know North Korean politics are focused entirely inward, and all aggressive foreign relations are simply guises for maintaining military law in the country. Have you ever read 1984? N. Korea is exactly like 1984, no joke. (and Animal Farm). The military posturing is just deigned to control the population, because Kim-Jong Ill only cares about holding local power.

Just back off, and ignore them. They deal in xenophobia and information lock, they will never become allies with anyone, as allied forces would corrupt their brainwashing of the population. Just hope the proles will finally rebel.

Finally, Cheney staves off death just a bit longer. Give it up man, the Devil will have his due. And for all the murders your financially-based wars have caused, you're going to be his favorite plaything for centuries to come.

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